Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Hi All,
Our last felting day was Saturday, 4th May. 

Important dates

Down by the Liffey
Southern felters is having an exhibition at Down by the Liffey Gallery in Lincoln Wed 12 June to Sunday 7th July 2019.  We will be calling for items so get thinking and working.  Its not far away.  We want items that are suitable for an art exhibition and it was a real thrill seeing ourwork presented in an art gallery situation.Southern Hemisphere Felters' Convergence 2019

Felting FreNZy
Southern hemisphere felters convergence 2019
Rydges Lakeland Resort, Queenstown 22-27 September 2019.
Felting classes, demonstrations, exhibition, fashion parade, Traders and more.
Convergence is a gathering of felt makers held every two years, alternately in New Zealand and Australia, and hosted by a different group in a different location each time. The first convergence was held in New Zealand when a group of feltmakers got together to share their knowledge and ideas about felt. Since then it has grown to an exciting and dynamic event looked forward to by many felters. The sharing of knowledge is still the theme of convergence today. See their website www.feltingfrenzy2019.nz

Saturday May18th, at the Christchurch Bridge Club, Nova Place. The AGM itself will be at 12.30 with the guest speaker  Wilson Henderson to follow,  “Using Social Media to Grow Your Membership”.  The day will start at 10 am with classes. The class fees are $50 for a full day class and $25 for a half day class.
1. Pattern Darning with Julie Clemett, of JC Embroidery. She will be teaching her Kiwiana bookmarks; students will be able to choose from 5 designs. Julie will provide a kit so all you need to bring is a pair of scissors and magnifiers if you need them.
2. Felting with Jane Dolan, Tips, Tricks and Hands on Felting
Jane will lead students through the felting process. She will have lots of samples for inspiration from nuno felting to bags and flowers. Students will be able to “play” with different fibres and styles of felting. This is a 2 hour class but if students want to continue in the afternoon they can extend their adventures in felt.
3. Stitch Clinic
Have you ever wanted to put a stitched label on a quilt, or add French or colonial knots to a piece of work? Ever seen an idea in a book or magazine and thought you would love to make it but are not sure how to begin? Never been able to stitch up a piece of knitting neatly? Bring it along and we will have a group of experienced stitchers who will be able to help you.
We are also planning on having a merchant’s mall, so come prepared to be tempted.

TAFAN Exhibition
The bi annual exhibition is being held at the Linwood Community Arts Centre from July 29th to August 17th. The exhibition is open to all our member groups and is not selected. Our challenge theme this year is “out of the ashes” This is only the challenge so if your entry does not fit this theme we still want to display it.
This year we are having a junior section so if any of your groups have young members please encourage them to enter. Nothing encourages any stitcher more than seeing their work on display.
Barbara Johns, Chairperson
Textile and Fibre Art Network
May 2019

2019 Felt United
Uniting the world wide felt community.  Felt United day is Saturday October 5 this year.  The theme this year is 'How Does Your Garden Grow',  Details below from their facebook page 
Whoo-Hooo....Nicola Brown and I are pleased to announce the 2019 Felt United theme: 'How Does Your Garden Grow'. We hope that you will enjoy this year's theme and that it piques your interest. Perhaps you are thinking of your own lovely garden, or are inspired by one of Monet’s beautiful paintings, or books such as The Secret Garden, or the Mother Goose nursery rhyme ‘How Does Your Garden Grow’, or even pollen. Yes…pollen…there would be no gardens without pollen. Remember that you are free to make anything that you’d like, in any colorway, as long as it relates in some way to the garden theme. This is a great opportunity to play with some new techniques that you’ve been meaning to try. 

Felt – intertwined, bound together, forever as one - United
Every year on the first Saturday of October (this year October 5, 2019) felters from around the globe show their felt to the world, work on collaborations, travel the world to meet each other, party, celebrate, exhibit, teach, talk and share. Everybody in their own way, all united by working on the same theme, same day, same joy but different ideas.  Check out hte facebook page.

Our warmest regards,
Dawn Edwards (USA) and Nicola Brown (IRELAND)

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