Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Woolfun day Saturday 8 April

Woolfun Day
April 8, Saturday Anytime between 10:15 am and 4 pm
Other days this year; May 13, June 10, July 8,

Come and sit by the fire (if we need the extra heat!!) and enjoy a relaxing day working with wool with like-minded people in a small group. Coffee and tea provided. Bring your lunch and your "crafty" project. April, May, June, and July sessions. For information ring Philippa on 3294 677 or 027 224 2421.

Please note the slightly later start time. It is solely so that I can get the 9 a.m. ferry to Lyttelton - get the week's meat and salad stuff and catch the 10 a.m. ferry back. I will have the sign outside. If you arrive early please feel free to wander around the garden - there are several tracks and feel free to pull any weeds out too!! There are compost piles at regular intervals. See you on Saturday!   AND wonder of wonders!!! I have finished the two felted and embroidered camels!!


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